It's quite common for young people to go through the ups and downs of adolescence and to feel strong emotions. But for some young people, the downs can be so intense and extreme that they think about taking their own life.

So how do you figure out what's within a 'normal range' and when you should be concerned?

Research shows that there are some key suicide warning signs to be aware of. Warning signs are behavioural changes, thoughts or feelings that can provide 'clues' or 'red flags' about your young person's risk of suicide.

Some warning signs may be relatively easy to pick up, such as when a young person talks about death or says they want to die.

Other signs are harder to spot – if your young person is trying to hide their feelings and emotions from family or friends, you'll need to watch out for changes in their behaviour.

1. Watch for dramatic changes in behaviour
2. Monitor changes
3. Ask questions

**NB: Information sourced from Beyond Blue.
express yourself

Signs of Depression


  • not going out anymore
  • not getting things done at work/school
  • withdrawing from close family and friends
  • relying on alcohol and sedatives
  • not doing usual enjoyable activities
  • unable to concentrate


  • overwhelmed
  • guilty
  • irritable
  • frustrated
  • lacking in confidence
  • unhappy
  • indecisive
  • disappointed
  • miserable
  • sad


  • 'I'm a failure.'
  • 'It's my fault.'
  • 'Nothing good ever happens to me.'
  • 'I'm worthless.'
  • 'Life's not worth living.'
  • 'People would be better off without me.'


  • tired all the time
  • sick and run down
  • headaches and muscle pains
  • churning gut
  • sleep problems
  • loss or change of appetite
  • significant weight loss or gain
Take all warning signs seriously. If a young person you care about is in immediate danger, call 000. Never leave a potentially suicidal young person alone – stay until help arrives, or take them to your local hospital's emergency department.

Common Warning Signs

A sense of hopelessness or no hope for the future.
Isolation or feeling alone – "No one understands me".
Aggressiveness and irritability – "Leave me alone".
Possessing lethal means – e.g. medication, sharp objects, weapons.
Negative view of self – "I am worthless".
Drastic changes in mood and behaviour.
Frequently talking or writing about death – "If I died, would you miss me?"
Self-harming behaviours like cutting.
Engaging in 'risky' behaviours – "I'll try anything, I'm not afraid to die".
Making funeral arrangements.
Giving things away like clothes or expensive gifts – "When I am gone, I want you to have this".
Substance abuse.
Feeling like a burden to others – "You would be better off without me"

Listening and Talking

One way to understand how your young person is feeling is by listening to how they talk to their mates online. Watch what they may be saying on social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you suspect something's wrong, talk to them about it.

Don't be afraid to ask questions – you can't put the thought of suicide into someone's head by raising the issue. Rather, talking things through gives your young person a chance to open up and share what they're going through, and allows you to support them.

**NB: Information sourced from Beyond Blue.

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This website has been designed to help teens deal with the ups and downs of adolescence by providing a place to anonymously vent feelings with no consequences. Let It Out Now will not be responsible for any misuse of this website.

This website is NOT designed to take the place of professional help. If you do not feel better after using this website, please seek help from one of the sources above.